On 29 Nov 2014, at 14:04, François Van Emelen <francois.vaneme...@telenet.be> 

> Hi all,
> (Is there still someone listening here?)
> Three questions
> 1. Can someone tell me why the values printed for PARTYP and PARUSE in lines 
> 240 to 350 are always 2?
> Is there something wrong with these functions or am I missing something?
> 100 :REMark  test return values of par_use,par_typ,parnam$
> 110 REMark string
> 120   pay$="Belgium"
> 130 REMark array
> 140  DIM 
> langue$(2,10):langue$(0)="Dutch":langue$(1)="French":langue$(2)="German":
> 150 REMark float
> 160  keyboardcode=32
> 170 REMark integer
> 180  a%=1
> 190 PRINT TEST_PARAM(pay$,langue$,keyboardcode,a%):PAUSE
> 200 :
> 210 DEFine FuNction TEST_PARAM (p$,l$,k,i%)
> 220 :
> 230 :
> 240 PRINT PARNAM$(1)  :REMark prints 'pay$' as expected
> 250 PRINT PARTYP(1)   :REMark prints 2  :shouldn't that be 1 ->string

PRINT PARTYP(pay$) will give the answer 1

> 260 PRINT PARUSE(1)   :REMark prints 2  :shouldn't that be 1 ->variable

PARUSE like PARTYP is a function taking the name of the parameter of the 
procedure or function as its own parameter. I have not been able so far in 
testing this to find a value other than 2. How odd (or even rather).

> 270 PRINT PARNAM$(2)  :REMark prints 'langue$' as expected
> 280 PRINT PARTYP(2)   :REMark prints 2 :shouldn't that be 1 ->string
> 290 PRINT PARUSE(2)   :REMark prints 2 :shouldn't that be 2 ->langue$ is an 
> array
> 300 PRINT PARNAM$(3)  :REMark prints 'keyboardcode' as lexpected
> 310 PRINT PARTYP(3)   :REMark prints 2: correct -> keyboardcode is a float
> 320 PRINT PARUSE(3)   :REMark prints 2::shouldn'tthat  be be 1 ->string
> 330 PRINT PARNAM$(4)  :REMark prints 'a%' as expected
> 340 PRINT PARTYP(4)  : REMark prints 2 :shouldn't that be be 3 -> a% is an 
> integer
> 350 PRINT PARUSE(4)  : REMark prints 2 :shouldn't be be 1 ->variable
> 360 REMark the values for partyp and paruse are always 2:why?
> 370  RETurn "What's wrong?":
> 380  REMark the returned value is not important here
> 390 :
> 2. Is there a way to find out how many languages are supported 
> (English,French,..)?
> 3. Once we know which language is active (with language($), can we access the 
> strings containing the days of the week
> and the string with the names of the months?
> Some help would be appreciated.
> François Van Emelen


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