On 21/07/15 08:28, Marcel Kilgus wrote:
Michael Grunditz wrote:
This might be a good idea. Does it need input to work or can it be
configured to perhaps break when something fails?

It's been a decade since I've used it, but IIRC it breaks before the
boot process where you can give it a "g" command to get it running
again. Then it'll only break again after a fault.

If the serial init works, is it possible to send information to the
serial port directly (printouts ) and in that case is there some
functions to do this?

It expects a VT100 terminal emulator on the other end. Then it handles
like a normal QMON debugger.


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I have a Atari STFM Mode 8 Emulator, but not used it in a while. I will see if I can get it to work and try an upto date version of SMSQ/E.

I also have a Mega ST and a extended 4 Emulator board, not fitted, maybe worth a look...


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