Op Thu, 31 Dec 2015 17:04:51 +0100 schreef Marcos Cruz <q...@programandala.net>:

I forgot how to copy a directory tree with real directories. I'm using
SMSQmulator, and I need to copy the contents of a .win file to a bigger
one. But `wcopy` or the QPAC2 tools just copy the files with filename
pseudo-directories, the old way. I think there was a way to do this, but
I can not remember. I'm searching the QPC Keywords manual, but I've
found nothing yet.

I don't think there is anything in the SMSQ SBASIC keywords to help you.
But there are a number of Backup programs that can do that.
I often use Cueshell or DiskMate to do this.
Also TGBack, Norback and some Qubide tools can help, these are public domain so check Dilwyn's site, the Backup section.


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