Thierry Godefroy wrote:

>>> No chance to get a "larger" (i.e. with more gates) CPLD that would fit
>>> the same socket ?... Or perhaps by using a modern and larger (in both
>>> size and number of gates) CPLD that would piggy-back on the old CPLD
>>> socket via a small adpater printed circuit ?...
>> I have considered that, but adaptors which fit into PLCC are
>> prohibitively expensive and hard to get.
> Well, the mod could also involve unsoldering the PLCC (correct me if
> I'm wrong but IRC, it's a through-holes one) and replacing it with
> pinheads, for example, that would plug into the add-on board.

Yes. But that's work with some risk.

>>> A native 800x600 resolution would be a definitive (and probably the
>>> best) solution to the problem, so I think it would be worth investigating
>>> some more its feasability...
>> Still 800x600 would require change of all three operating systems
> These are extremely *minor* and *easy* changes (and SMSQ/E can already
> cope with 800x600 screens)...

Not sure how much sense QDOS Classic would make without the QL style
screens, and how one would easily change it.

>> and several pieces of application software! Moreover, software that directly
>> writes into QL 512x256 would fail, like the beloved QL Chess.
> Frankly, such old pieces of software are probably best ran from emulators
> if they can't cope with variable size/address display... They would also
> fail to run on a QXL in (S)VGA mode or on an Aurora/SGC system too. I won't
> call this an issue and I think this kind of "incompatibility" should not
> limit and forbid us to get a better Q60 display...

Well the Q60 is a retro computer now, and QDOS Classic running old
software is part of the heritage. I'm reluctant to restrict the Q60 to
newer QL software - the whole combination is no longer modern anyway!
Also, some software like PQIV was optimized for the Qx0 aspect ratio and
screen size.

>> .../...
>>> However, another issue with this solution could be the lack of room to
>>> piggy-back a daughter board on the EPROM slots, especially with the 2
>>> ISA slots occupied and a heat-sink+fan on the 68060...
>> It depends. Using SMD components, the board could be about as small as
>> the ROM socket area.
> In this case, I think it's still worth a solution...


>> Q68 runs about QXL speed, even without the cache I am working on.
> Not bad at all.
>> Features
>> - Plain 68000 core, 68020 nearly complete
>> - 32 MB SDRAM
>> - PS/2 keyboard and mouse
>> - Two fullsize SD card interfaces
>> - SER
>> - Ethernet
>> - Battery buffered RTC (and yes, the battery is separate!)
> :-D

I just saw that it is actually a capacitor, not a battery! The hardware
design was done so long ago - I even forget the simple things.

>> - Stereo sound
>> - Up to 1024x768 VESA VGA, QL modes in hardware
>> - 8x10 cm board size, fitting existing nice case
>> - Single 5V power supply
>> I demonstrated my Q68 at the "QL is 30" show, where someone took a picture:
>> Meanwhile I replaced the wired components you see on that picture by SMD
>> for machine manufacture. QDOS Classic and Minerva are running, but
>> issues with QL-SD driver and Pointer Environment.
> Sounds and looks good... The small size would make it an ideal "portable"
> QL...

Thanks. Who would best be able to port SMSQ/E?


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