Colin McKay wrote:
> A=242641, B=2.828427, C=1.414214.  VV=C^2-A^2-B^2/(-2*A*B)

A=4.242641 surely. And VV=(C^2-A^2-B^2)/(-2*A*B).

> VV calculated, and printed, in QPC2 =1. VV calculated on a calculator
> =-24.00000071/-24.00000071=1.
> Used in QPC2 in RR=ACOS(VV) produces the error message "At line 2345 :1
> error in expression".

Works fine here. But these are floating point values and any rounding
error might push the value slightly above 1, this is in the nature of
things. PRINT will always return a rounded value, so you'll still see
only "1".


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