Rich Mellor wrote:
> I shall however, not get involved in software piracy.

Really no disrespect to you or your work. But, as a creator of
software and probably of the most commercially successful QL software
of the last 15 years, I find this whole piracy debate in the QL scene
pretty laughable. This is mostly software that hasn't been touched,
supported or updated in 30 years. Why would anybody care what happens
to it? The decent thing to do for the authors is making the stuff
freely available (sans copy protection if possible) once you're
leaving for greener pastures. That's what I do with my stuff.

The creators have abandoned the software, so what's the harm in
having it freely available? Who in their right mind would actually go
to court over some MDV image of software they haven't touched in 30

So far I've kept quiet in the debate out of respect for you and your
work. But all this is against my common sense. I can't imagine that
this whole commercial re-releasing of ancient software is in any way
worth it. It's a bit of a shame, too, I would like to try some of the
old QL games, sure, but I would never spend a single cent on them,
ever. I would probably only play them a few minutes each, just for the
fun of it, and that's that then. And I guess I'm not alone in this

The QL is dying (dead?) and keeping stuff commercial is not really
helping in this respect. I released EasyPtr for free recently because
I was asked how one could obtain a copy and I found it really too
embarrassing to still ask for any money for this old stuff.


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