On 7 March 2017 at 10:36, Tobias Fröschle <tobias.froesc...@t-online.de>

> Peter, Marcel,
> I have yet to discover a program that doesn't run on SMSQ/E, provided it's
> set to mimic a QL memory map, and does on Minerva (but I'm open to
> suggestions). Weird programs are normally sooo weird that they won't run on
> either...

Back in 1987 I wrote a BASICODE translator for the QL which included lots
of hardware-dependent code, including a cassette device driver for use with
the network ports. It had to be run from EPROM because of necessary exact
timing (after all the network port is an ordinary bit-banging interface).
Also, it used the SuperBASIC vectors $12C through $13A which are hardly
documented (I used the code for the TK2 'ed' command as documentation).
This software runs on Minerva but NOT on SMSQ/E.
I have plans to put it on GitHub as it might still be useful since a lot of
BASICODE programs have been put on GitHub recently. Moreover, I'm planning
a new release which doesn't depend on original QL hardware. There's no need
for using cassette interfaces now ;-) but you will still need to convert
the BASICODE programs in ASCII form to SuperBasic. The old code achieved
this by loading the program directly into SuperBASIC (using the
'undocumented' vectors) but this doesn't appear to work on SBASIC, so the
new code will write the translated BASICODE as an ordinary S*BASIC program
which you can LOAD or MERGE...

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