On 12/12/2021 20:42, Urs Koenig (QL) wrote:
What a repository of nice and handy things! Great work Per.

I'm working on the next release of QL/E and just yesterday, integrated Q2S, to 
be loaded as default on non-SMSQ systems.
Good move, Urs! ;o)

For those who dont know what we're talking about, Q2S is a "compatibility toolkit" that allows for many (SMSQ/E) SBASIC, or compiled SBASIC, programs to run on a QL. Likewise, programs written on a QL using these commands have a good chance of being able to run under SMSQ/E. - And it may even be found genuinely useful in programs only intended for the QL itself!

At present the commands included are:

SUSJB        - Suspend a job
JOBID        - Return my job ID
OUTLN        - Create a "managed" window (Requires PE!)
QUIT         - Quit program with optional error code
ERT          - Terminate program if error
SCR_XLIM     - Get screen x-maximum
SCR_YLIM     - Get screen y-maximum
SCR_BASE     - Get screen base address
SCR_LLEN     - Number of bytes between rows on screen
DISP_TYPE    - Display type 0, 2, 16, 32, 33
FDEL         - Delete a file with error return

(I hope the table above remains readable!)

Only the simplest, most common usage of these commands are implemented. And some of them are just duds (eg all the SCR_XXX commands merely return fixed values) as this toolkit is only meant to be loaded on an actual QL (or exact QL emulator).

It is intended to be compact (presently 732 b), but if anyone has any suggestions as to whether any important commands have been left out, Id like to hear. There are some other compatibility toolkits on Knoware.no/htm/toolkits.htm#compatibility, so check those out first.

Keep your noses to the grinding-wheel, y'all!

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