Hi Norman,

If you look in the 'The Distribution' in the doc directory, there all the 
config documentation.

I can send it if required 


On 7 December 2023 17:55:14 GMT, Norman Dunbar via Ql-Users 
<ql-users@lists.q-v-d.com> wrote:
>Evening all.
>I was reading through the latest version of Wolfgang's SMSQ/E Reference 
>Manual, looking for some information on Config blocks and usage. It wasn't 
>I was sure that a previous manual, possibly the old A5 printed one I bought 
>from Jochen years ago, but no longer. I searched the PDF for any references 
>and eventually found a note that "Config has its own manual" and "You should 
>be able to get it from the same place as this one" (or words to that effect.)
>I searched Wolfgang's Documentation area, to no avail. I don't see the Config 
>manual anywhere. Does anyone know if there is a manual? and if so, where I can 
>lay my hands on it please?
>Norman Dunbar.
>QL-Users Mailing List

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