On Tue, 19 Mar 2024, at 1:30 PM, Dilwyn Jones via Ql-Users wrote:
> I was given this file a few years ago. I'm sorry, I don't know if it's
> still accurate. Hope it helps.
> Dilwyn
> Use Trap #1 with D0.L = -26 to get some emulator info. The trap is
> designed to be usable by other emulators, but I don't think anybody
> else is using it, so it works only with Q-emuLator.
> In systems where the trap is not implemented you will get an error
> in D0.L (bad parameter, I think), in Q-emuLator you get 0 in D0.L.
> There are three commands, identified by the value in D1:
> ==================================================================
> D1.L = 0
> Currently returns 0 in both D1.L and D2.L. I don't remember anymore
> for sure what the intended meaning was :(. I think D1 was the version of
> the D0=-26 TRAP implemented by the emulator (for example in the future
> there might be a version 1 TRAP that returns extra info, or allows more
> values in D1.L), and D2 is probably reserved for future use. Just ignore D1
> and D2 and look only at D0 (0 = trap is supported, error = it is not),
> or directly call
> with
> D1.L = 1 or 2.
> ======================================================================
> D1.L = 1
> Returns in D1.L info about the host system:
> D1.L = $00aabbcc, where
> aa = host OS
> 0 = Windows
> 3 = Mac OS
> bb = host OS variant (for example, if aa was Unix, bb would
> identify whether it is BSD, Linux, etc.). Currently always
> zero.
> cc = emulator ID
> 1 = Q-emuLator
> Returns in D2.L the version of the emulator:
> D2.L = $xxyyzzww, where
> xx = major version number
> yy = middle version number
> zz = minor version number
> ww was supposed to be a global incremental number, but a 0-255
> range is probably too little, so you can just ignore it.
> D3.L = type of build
> 0 = alpha
> 1 = beta
> 2 = release
> For example,
> D2.L = $02010005 and D3.L = 2 means version 2.1
> D2.L = $01030218 and D3.L = 1 means version 1.3.2b
> ======================================================================
> D1.L = 2
> A1.L = pointer to memory buffer
> D2.L = length of buffer
> Fills the buffer with a short QL string identifying the emulator
> (for example "Q-emuLator 2.2").
> Returns a buffer full error in D0 if the buffer is smaller than the
> string (and the buffer content is not valid in this case).
> ======================================================================
> Hope this helps. Most of this is untested so you may find some bugs.
> The only piece of software currently using one of these traps is the
> Q-emuLator's mouse driver (it refuses to install and prints an error
> if it's not running in Q-emuLator).
Should be pretty simple to implement this in sQLux, just need documentation for
the missing values for all the OSes sQLux runs on.
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