On Feb 1,  5:39pm, Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:
> Subject: Re: [ql-users] QPC2v2Q40
> All this QPC v Q40 debate  : isn't this rather moot?

I bought a PC before I had my Q40.  There are two reasons I bought a Q40 and
not QPC:

 1] I prefer pure QL platform.  The Q40 gives me this.  Plus buying it helps to
support the QL hardware community.

 2] My wife mostly uses the PC.  Getting her off to use QPC would be a pain.
 Getting the PC keeps her off my QL and Q40.

I do use the PC for things (e-mail, web page creation, documents, scanner, some
graphics, etc).  For programming and tinkering, I use the Q40.

Tim Swenson

BTW, Wolgang is a bit right about the arguement. Heck, why argue, buy both :-).

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