Hi all,

Just one of my occasional mails to encourage you all to come along !

We just had our February meeting today, address is always in the Quanta
magazine.  Yet if you are not a Quanta member here are the details.


2.00pm to 6.00pm, second Sunday of the month.  In basement of the Welsh
Congregational Chapel, 90 Southwark Bridge Road, London SE.

Nearest tube is Borough.  Plenty of parking space for cars / motor
bikes.  Cyclists can bring the bike down into the basement !

Cost - 2.50ukp per attendee.  A really good quality hot drink of coffee
or tea available at modest cost - with free biscuits and good company !


This meeting was an interesting one, as on the hardware front we had 2
portable PC's running QPC1 and QPCv2.  As well as an Apple IMAC
portable, which hopes to get QPC running soon under the Real PC emulator
:-)  Portables are just that, so convenient to bring to meetings.

The IMAC owner was also experimenting with setting up a WAP enabled
mobile phone, to give internet access at the meetings.

I am hoping to have a Pandora QL system available at meetings soon.
This is still being worked on by one of the members since its donation
to the group.  As well as a basic black box QL system.

That is a mixture of QL equipment available at the venue, as well as the
equipment that members bring themselves.

As you will perceive we are involved with a variety of ways and means of
keeping up an interest in the QL. Your interest and support will be most
welcome if you would care to come along. No need to be a Quanta member
if you do not wish.  No need to attend every meeting, although regular
attendance keeps the hire of the venue paid for :-)

If you have any 'languishing' QL equipment that you would like to donate
to the group, then this would be welcome.

Also any software, books, magazines, etc, which can all be used to raise
some income at future London Quanta Group Workshops :-)  Remember what
you no longer want, someone else may be looking for !

Just contact me, all simply call in at the venue with the 'gear'.

The next meeting is the second Sunday in March 2001.  

Malcolm Cadman

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