Dave Westbury writes:

> .. I didn't want to do
> dynamic scaling (like x_size%,y_size%) within photon; I shall write a

Oh, I only meant x_size%,y_size as in scr_XxYa..

> >Regarding multi-frame pic standards, you are probably best placed to know
> >whats needed. You might as well enjoy that groovy Microsoft feeling of
> >setting the standards all by yourself.
> I know what I need but not sure how to plug it into SMSQ neatly :-(

Adapt the dynamic sprite definition or at least the basic layout, keep it as
oo as possible, and give the rest of us a chance to tear it to pieces ;)

> >(However, as opposed to Microsoft, youll derive little benefit by keeping
> >all to yourself ;)
> Yes, it's little things like having to disassemble ALCHP/RECHP/CLCHP to
> where the (undocumented) link address is for BASIC/compiled heaps that
makes it
> interesting - not! BTW its $0E(A6) offset in BASIC variables (now I'm
> what $CE to $0E has been used for??).

And a lot of the old (eg parser) stuff is broken or used for other purposes.
I was looking for a way to test for the colour definition, ie COLOUR_xxx,
from inside a procedure. But Im "blind" because JMON wont run under QPC2v2
under my setup, so its been rather fiddly. However, after PEEKing around a
bit, I discovered that the word at $bc(a6), formerly bv_wrlno, or WHEN ERRor
in line number, now holds:

0 = QL colour mode, $50 = PAL, $54 = 24-colour, $58 = native, which, you
guessed it, corresponds exactly to the new colour traps. Perhaps someone
else can confirm whether the COLOUR_xxx, INK, etc, keywords also refer to
this location for the colour mode? In that case we can perhaps consider
$bc(a6) to be "outed"? Useful, eg to set the ink, whatever the colour
definition in use by (this) SBAS (except QL-colour, where the relevant traps
start at $27):
set_ink                  colour, stipples, etc are all in place
    moveq #2,d0        offset off  iow.sink/inkx from base of series
set_colour             common to series paper/strip/ink(/border)
    add.w $bc(a6),d0 add trap base, whatever the colour mode
do_trap3              final preperation and execution

Finally, for collectors who dont already have it, heres a quick and dirty,
genuinely undocumented invocation to test for SBASIC from within a
BASIC keyword:

    cmpi.l  #'SBAS',-4(a6)
    bne.s not_sbasic


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