At 03:16 ðì 03/12/2001, you wrote:
>Please avoid flash like the plague.
>Java is also a big no-no.
>Some Javascript is *probably* acceptable.
>Just my £0.02.
>PS. I think it was Tim Berners Lee (inventor of the WWW) who said recently
>that 'Flash is the worst thing to happen to the Web'. I suspect he should
>know :o)

Yes I believe he said so. I think though that his remark had to do with 
Flash being so completely detached from the web as he intended it to be 
i.e. Open instead of (Flash-like) cryptic and closed.
The idea behind Flash though I think is good. If you compare for example my 
flash animation for Peter's site ( you will see that it is less 
than 130K. The same thing with say DHTML (M$ crap) or Javascript would take 
more than 300K *I know... I tried*.
With animated GIF it would take ooooohhh forget it :-) hehe


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