On Tue, 13 Mar 2001, Daniel Baum waxed lyrical:

>> http://www.amiga.com  So the world may know...

>I just followed this link. It appears you can buy an Amiga for about
>80-150UKP, depending on the configuration. What about porting SMSQ/E to
>that, and getting a next generation QL compatible for about 200-250 UKP? (I
>know there's a QDOS compatible system for it.) Could this actually be done,
>or am I just being silly and ignorant?

I believe the MC68xxx series is still used in the embedded controller market, 
but Amiga Inc, haven`t made an 68K motherboard since 1992. The ones you can 
buy now are bin end, and the very end of the bin at that. There was recently 
talk about building AGA A1200s for the developing world, but rumour has it 
that the schematics had been mislaid so re tooling was out of the question :)

A much better Idea might be to port QMSQ/E to the new Amiga DE?

The trouble is that Amiga QDOS is not particularly mature (or at least it 
wasn`t last time I looked - mode 4 only, limited port support, breaks on `020 
and above), but when it works it flies (not surprisingly). Actually as a /low 
cost/ hardware platform the later AGA machines might not be a bad idea :/

If you did want to experiment don`t buy new. Your local paper can often 
furnish you with an A1200 for < £50 Stg, which is really the base model to 

>BTW. does Motorola actually still make the 68XXX processor, or is there just
>an enormous stock in a warehouse somewhere that people are buying chips
>from? Coming from the Mac world, I tend to look on them as being a bit

Oldies, but goodies :)
Anthony W. Prime

http://www.amiga.com  So the world may know...

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