Richard Zidlicky makes some magical things to make me read
} On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 09:58:33AM +0200, Jerome Grimbert wrote:
} > Wolfgang Lenerz makes some magical things to make me read
} > } On 12 May 2001, at 21:41, Thierry Godefroy wrote:
} > } 
} > } > I can confirm this as I just acquired a Q60 from Peter 
} > } Hey, this is favoritism - can I buy one, too?
} > } 
} > 
} > Me too ?
} > 
} > What's the max memory size ?  Could I use some 64 MB EDO ship on it ?
} > Or is it still restricted to the smaller model ?
} 128 MB RAM is the maximum, SMSQ does not yet support that much.

Good !
For info, on QPC2, SMSQ/E can handle a lot of memory, if the PC has it!
And some free-memory buttons get confused with so much, but not sysmon,
which just keep working fine !

} > What's the difference with Q40 ?
} Not much else, just a bit faster. Mine shows about 134 BogoMIPS.

With or without cache ? (w/ : which mode ?)
Have you tried dhrystone on it ? (which compilation ?)

My main interest on the Q40/Q60 is the speed of the boot, vs the slowness of
the PC (The Bios boot is far too long for me, so even adding the shortest linux boot, 
I find the PC computer to be too slow... at least at boot time; even with a x-GHz 
thing )
When I boot the Q40, it's just: press the button, take a seat and it's ready
to read the latest floppy from QLToday. 

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