On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 11:20:13PM +0100, Tony Firshman wrote:
> On  Tue, 15 May 2001 at 23:44:41, you wrote:
> (ref: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
> >
> >
> >Tony Firshman wrote:
> >
> >> Is no-one else getting emails from Marcus Detwiller obviously destined
> >> for ql-user, but arriving in my inbox.
> >>
> >> Does anyone know his email so we can stop this....
> >
> >Hello Tony
> >
> >the Maus net was my old account
> >my new edress (the reality dysfunction) is
> Ta.
> As nvg.ntnu.no is clearly badly setup, it is essential that one
> unsubscribes before an email account dies (8-)#

I doubt it is nvg.ntnu.no - clueless sysadmin somewhere in MausNet 
uses MS software. ql-users is very clearly marked as mailing list 
by its headers and any software sending error messages to lists 
is utterly broken. 

Just another attempt by MS to refute all internet standards, I have 
seen it in the past on several other mailing lists where a 'vacation' 
program of some unsuspecting user initiated an avalanche of crap 
messages. Note that it requires real determination to achieve this 
because all existing list software includes precautions against
such events.


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