In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tony Firshman

>>>Demon's Turnpike (generally available for around £30 I think - but free
>>>to Demon customers) already does just this on its POP3 and SMTP mail
>>You have to set the feature up though ... which I haven't done with my
>>copy of Turnpike.  How is it done, for curiosity ?
>I am using V6 beta 6, so yours may be different.
>In TP offline - configure/email routing rules/mail rejection/
>.. and POP3 rejects based on header (as long as the rejection rule can
>get all the info from there).
>For thought starters (for the current project) TP has following:
>. was sent from user xxxxx
>. has subject line containing xxxx
>. is larger than nnnn bytes
>. matches the custom rule, which can get quite sophisticated (using
>perl-like regexps).
>ie ^ is beginning
>   $ is end
>   \ escapes the next chr - ie converts it into a 'real' character.
>   . in regexp unescaped means 'any character'

OK ... I get the idea, thanks :-)

Malcolm Cadman

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