>> ICE v2.1  EIDERSOFT (C) 1985 D. Jones

Not *the* D Jones ???

>> ... describes ARTice, a
>> drawing program (that crashes on my GC).

I remember just before Digital Precision vanished off the face of the
planet, I had a very large box of DP's discs containing a large number of
old QL programs which were all written to run from mdv in 128K of RAM and
nothing else - ie, position dependant code :o(.

I was working for Freddy converting these over to run as position
independant code and hopefully on any system. There was quite a lot of ICE
stuff in there and I suspect the reason it crashes the GC is down to either
the screen memeory being in a different place - everything I converted hard
coded $20000 (131072) as the screen address - or because the code isn't
position independant.

I never got as far as converting the Ice stuff.

I also never got as far as ever seeing the stuff on sale because FV and DP
just 'went' !

Norman Dunbar           EMail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Database/Unix administrator     Phone:  0113 289 6265
Lynx Financial Systems Ltd.     Fax:    0113 201 7265
                        URL:    http://www.LynxFinancialSystems.com

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