On 12 Sep 2001, at 20:50, Peter Graf wrote:

> Just in case you refer to the MOVEP instruction:

 No, it's the instruction that disables external interrupts. 

> The 68060 has no MOVEP. Just read the docs on your support disks, and use
> the MOVEP-emulation software. All the crashes you reported to me will
> disappear.
> MOVEP was meant to deal with 8 bit peripherals on old 16 bit 68000 systems.
> Motorola had removed it, because they saw no more need for this "outdated"
> instruction. The best thing would be to remove all MOVEP instructions from
> SMSQ/E. (Tony Tebby had said he wouldn't use any non-68060 instructions,
> but unfortunately he overlooked MOVEP.)
Yeah OK, that's what I told you. I didn't know this was a well know 
phenomenon. The MOVEP isntructions can be found in the QPAC2 
file and in the QPAC1 sysmon utility. I've replaced them with 
NOOPS, to no ill effect (so why are they in there?).
search for $0b8a0000 and $0b8a0001...

> Indeed. No wonder. The CDROM driver is not optimized yet.
As I said, I don't know whether it was the driver or qxltool.

> The problem is due to the stupid SMSQ/E SLAVEing which incredibly slows
> down disk access on machines with lots of RAM. The more free RAM you have,
> the worse it gets.
> We need to persuade TT to impose a limit on slaveblock usage or means to
> disable SLAVEing.
OK. I tried the simple expedient of setting the high end of the slave 
block table pointer to the low end but that doens't work, in SMSQ, 
they don't seem to be used (?).



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