This is not one of those hoaxes.

There is a new nasty going around called GONER and our business was
seriously hit yesterday afternoon at 17:30.
If you get any emails where the subject is 'Hi' then immediately delete
If you run M$ Lookout or Lookout Express, make sure you turn your preview
pane off as this is enough to infect you.

The virus was discovered in the wild yesterday afternoon, our email scanner
was being updated as soon as the new data file was made available and we got
'hit' slap bang in the middle of the update - how's that for bad timing ?

We are all sorted out now, but our NT guys had a long evening :o(

I have a task on my list to investigate Linux as an alternative desktop
system for the business - more ammo for me :o)


Norman Dunbar
Database/Unix administrator
Lynx Financial Systems Ltd.
Tel: 0113 289 6265
Fax: 0113 289 3146
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and are not a named addressee, please delete it and notify the Lynx
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