Maybe I missed something months/years ago, but why:

1. is 1024x768 only available when using the new GD2
    which means that only with DISP_COLOUR 3,...
    I get 1024x768

2. is colour depth called 16 bit / 65536 colours when
    you can choose 24bit colours (eg. COLOUR_24)

2.a) why somethimes it's called high colour 16 bit and
    sometimes true colour 24 bit

3. Using MENUCONFIG you'll be able to configure
    About the value "processor clock speed", what's
    - 0 for auto detect
    - 33 for 33 MHz
3.a) what's the difference between them?

Maybe I'm to stupid?!

Viele Grüsse aus der Schweiz / Best regards
Urs König

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