In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Thierry Godefroy
>On Thu, 3 Jan 2002 15:27:56 -0000 , Norman Dunbar wrote:
>> Well, I'm running QPC2v2 on Win2k - what's wrong with it ?
>Apart from being slowest than Win95, more bloated (if at all
>possible) and giving you no way to run in TRUE DOS (a MUST on
>desktop PCs for QXL !), nothing is wrong...
>> Win956 is way too flakey for anything
>95 OSR2, once patched appropriately with all bugfixes available
>from Microsoft site, is CERTAINLY more stable than 98 or 2K,
>stable enough anyway to run QPC2 (which is the ONLY reason why
>I keep Win95 on my laptop knowadays... if only QPC2 could run
>under Linux !!!).

I can confirm that QPC2 is solid with Win95, or is that the other way
around ?

Malcolm Cadman

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