On Mon, 14 Jan 2002, Phoebus R. Dokos wrote:

> part of what you want (software wise) is already implemented by soQL (TCP
> IP stack).
> It still lacks PPP (essential) but for Ethernet that's not important.

I was informed of Jon Dent by Nasta, and emailed Tony for contact
details. I'll look it up and get on it.

> There's also QPOP3 a PE interface to both uQLx email functionality (through
> Linux) and soQL (included in the beta package I have), SMTP, and QL Lynx
> already works with TCPIP on uQLx....

Cool :o)

I basically want to know that there will be enough functionality
pre-existing to make it a worthwhile add-on for people.

> If you want more info, I'll be happy to supply you with :-)

What have you got? :o)


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