In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, ZN
>On 2/5/02 at 1:02 AM Roy Wood wrote:
>>> Well, yes, there's just one problem: they are from IBM and have NO
>>> jumpers. It still may be possible to get them to work on a GC/SGC,
>>> I'm looking into it.
>> Just use a twist in the cable to change the selector lines it is
>> pretty simple.
>Yes, but that only takes care of the select lines - and sometimes not even
>that. Most new PC drives also make assumptions at what signals are used for
>what. For instance, a drive I used recently assumes that activating the
>motor on signal also selects the drive. But that's small fry. That same
>drive thinks there's always a disk in it once connected to the SGC. It also
>only works right with DD disks even though it's a HD drive. On the PC two
>signals are used (three in a ED drive) to communicate the density and
>presence of a disk. This is normally set by jumpers on older drives - no
>such luck on the new ones, although most actually have sensible defaults.
>In cases when you deal with drives manufactured to a particular narrow
>spec, all bets are off :-(

Is the logic for disk drives 4 bit then ?

0 0 0 0  - low

1 1 1 1  - high

Malcolm Cadman

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