>> I remember the Writer of Driller from Incentive listing a routine to
>> use the memory in the printer buffer when doing Driller. 

Advanced Spectrum Machine Languge (or similar) was a great book. It had
advanced stuff in there that I still don't really understand to this day.
Interrupt driven printing for example - I can't remember who wrote the book,
but he was clever. (Melbourne House published it).
The thing was in those days, and with the QL too, that all the system
variables, internal buffers etc were documented - anyone could see what was
happening inside and extentd bits. As soon as AMSTRAD took over, the manuals
became very thin indeed. No internal docs at all.

I wish I still had all my old books and things, I had to get rid a few years
back as I no longer had the room. Shame.

>> Still, as for the Q40/QPC thing, I know who is acting the worst in all
>> this, I've seen it up close as a trader, but does it really matter? there
>> are Q40 and QPC users out there, and thats great. Thats what really
>> matters.

I'm actually surprised as to how little flaming there has been. Claus took a
shot at Marcel, who fired back. Marcel stated he won't reply anymore to
avoid boring the rest of us. A couple of 'stop it' comments and that was
that. Very civilised. Especially after the Peter flame fest - in which I got
a bit of a slagging off :o(.

I personally think we need more of that sort of thing, it makes our little
'family' more like Big Bill Gates and the rest of the world. You know,
Windows 3.1 refused to load if it was running on DrDOS and stuff like that.
(Only kidding - we need more of that stuff like a fish needs a bicylce !)


PS. I think we are getting too far off topic anyway - this is more Spectrum
than QL. We could get shot for it :o)
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