On 4/11/02 at 1:22 PM Phoebus Dokos wrote:

>> As for US QL-ers wanting to buy a QXL rather than get one free (?)
>> I have a 8MB 33MHz one for sale. $100 buys it, and the money goes
>> to my GF fund. Oh, and I just remembered: I have a 40MHz 68040 that
>> would work on it too...
> Is that the same QXL (and 68040) that was featured in that odyssey of
> yours in IQLR???? :-)


> IIRC it worked fine up to 35 MHz (or did you fix that?)

Oh, it runs fine at 40 as well (with the 40MHz CPU), when I was writing the
article, I only had oscillators going up to 70MHz (QXL uses a 'canned'
oscillator at twice the CPU clock). I had a 75MHz but that was ECL rather
than TTL and my makeshift ECL to TTL converter didn't really work very
well, which was the reason for problems above 35MHz.
The real stopper for the QXL is the Altera 1810 programmable logic chip. It
runs hot even doing nothing (hotter than CPU) and like all CMOS based
logic, the hotter it gets, the slower it can run. I have a nice little
cooler on it but I guess it would go higher with a different one (say one
that would extend over the 68040 as well and have a fan fitted). These days
getting coolers is really easy, a 'PC Chipset' cooler is just fine for the
CPU and overkill for the Altera chip.


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