Oh dear here we go again.
>I have two proposals for a compromise, that take the commercial needs 
>of Jochen Merz and Roy Wood into account:
>Proposal 1:
>Keep the "appointed resellers". Make sure that nobody can get their 
>support, without purchasing the binary from them! E.g. this could be 
>done by registering the users who purchased it. This way, everybody who 
>wants their support and handbooks, is forced to pay. The income for the 
>resellers for their support is then secured. But also allow the free 
>distribution of executables again (first "license"), so non-commercial 
>developmers are sure their work won't be lost or abused. The "appointed 
>resellers" will also benefit if there is more non-commercial work. They 
>are allowed to sell it!
We will make no money from this. By the time we have paid for disks, 
printing and all of the other extras such as advertising etc. we will be 
out of pocket. Nice try but it does not hold water. Most people own 
SMSQ/E in one form or another so we are not snowed under with users 
clamouring for their copy even at, what is now, half price.
>(Actually my proposals have already been turned down, by unknown 
>persons who influence the decisions of the "registrar". But maybe some 
>public help will allow him to reconsider.)
Keep taking the anti paranoia pill one day they will take effect. Even 
the registrar was against your proposal. I was actually voting in your 
favour on this provided you kept the code official and it was not a 
'patched' or otherwise unofficial version.
Roy Wood
Q Branch, 20 Locks Hill Portslade. Sussex. BN41 2LB. UK
Tel : +44 (0)1273 386030 Fax : +44 (0)1273 430501 (New number!)
Mobile +44(0)7836 745501
Web : www.qbranch.demon.co.uk

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