----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 9:17 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Reading PC formatted disks

----- Original Message -----
Subject: [ql-users] Reading PC formatted disks

What is the best means currently of a standard QL with an old floppy disk interface reading PC formatted disks??  There used to be an old PD program IBMDisk or similar, but if I recall correctly, it was a bit dodgy.

There must be something better nowadays for non SMSQ/E systems..

I came across this problem with some QL-2-PC users, but it was some time ago. The best program was from the QUANTA library and I believe it was called QLIBM_exe. It is a pointer program. The two main problems were the manual, which described an older version, and the copyright situation. It was uncertain if it could be distributed to non-QUANTA members.
Sorry I have no time to thoroughly search all my records, but I know I tested it thoroughly before recommending it.
Geoff Wicks 
There was an ext for Atari QL emulators that would read PC disks (being similar format)  ATR_DIR might have been the name or something like that, I think it was PD not sure though Jochen would maybe know.
All the best _ Bill

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