On  Sat, 15 Jun 2002 at 03:43:00,  wrote:

>OK, time to put in my teo-penneth worth.
>This discussion/arguing needs to be brought to a swift end - it is in
>danger of not only fragmenting the whole QL scene even further, but
>putting people off the QL, SMSQ/E and this email list at a time when we
>all need to band together.
>We do not need to start again with a different licence (GPL or
>otherwise) as this will just provoke further discussion from those who
>are not willing to work under that licence as it stands.
>What we need is the Grafs (after discussion with Richard) to list which
>clauses in the licence they feel prevent further development for the
>Q40/Q60 operating system (I currently cannot see where the problems
>lie) and propose replacement clauses which they would find acceptable
>and which should not prevent commercial development of SMSQ/E also. 
>Not everyone is willing to carry out work for nothing but on the other
>hand, not everyone would demand payment for their work.
>Until some specfic proposals for changes to the licence are put forward
>by the Grafs their comments are just going to be seen as mindless
Already are (8-(#

My system was down for a day and I had 78 to read in this thread.
I must say there is so much irrelevant mud slinging that I have totally
lost track of what the _real_ problems are.

As someone said, the license is not set in stone.
I think though Wolfgang has called a halt to the initial discussions,
and has now released the license.

You see there is so much obfuscation that I am not sure (get
dictionaries out Peter/Jochen/Wolfgang  (8-)# )
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