On  Sat, 22 Jun 2002 at 11:52:28, Richard Zidlicky wrote:

>On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 12:03:03AM +0100, Roy Wood wrote:
>> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Richard
>> Zidlicky<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>> <SNIP>
>> >Absolutely not. If you are building hardware you can't simply provide
>> >the user with an official SMSQ version in EPROM and a patch on a floppy
>> >disk and expect him to apply the patch to the EPROM.
>> No need. All versions of SMSQ/E for the Qxx (which is what we are
>> talking about here - possibly the GoldFire later but that will have
>> flash ROM) are LRESPR'able over the source code on the ROM. That is what
>> I do because I have an early version of the ROM.
>it will break when harddisks are accessed in LBA instead of CHS mode.
That is interesting.  I thought Tony Tebby had always intended that the
SMSQ code could be LRESPRed.
I suspect the majority of users are now running with LRESPRed SMSQ.
>Besides, what is the point to require the user to go through additional
>hoops like this? The speed argument mentioned later in this discussion
>is tripple nonsense and the authors of it should know better.
You need to explain the 'triple' nonsense.
> Surely
>the version control which was intended as the main benefit of this
>license doesn't benefit from an approach like this where user is
>supposed to patch his own software.
It is not a patch - it is the identical code to the ROM version.

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