At 04:47 μμ 3/7/2002, you wrote:

>Hi Phoebus, welcome back.

Good to be back!

>Didn't send the CDs to Greece as I promised/threatened...had a bit of
>a hiccup with one of them and waited until sorted (lots of material to
>add to it) will be on way to you soon.

That's okay... I tried to answer your email but for some reason the ISP in 
Greece didn't see it fit to let me send it ;-)

>We have taken on a new member of staff at work, part Greek, part
>American,  lived in Wales half her life...what a combination...will
>ask her if she knows you ;-))

Hehe I used to be popular with the ladies ;-) (Used To are the keywords 
here) but I don't think my reputation reached Wales :-)
Hehe :-)


P.S. (On Topic this time) I will be restructuring all aspects of my 
websites once more and also thanks to the strong Euro, prices on the CF 
adapters will fall in the future for Europeans (ask Darren for details)
P.S. 2 (Off Topic again) I may have missed the US Show but at least I 
watched the World Cup :-) Pity about Germany though (Above all I am 
European and Kahn was the MVP for me :-).

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