Hi all

Today we held the 212th (approx.) meeting of the Sinclair User Club
Schweiz (SUCS). For the first time since years I had time to join and
meet good old friends like Markus Dettwiler, Jonathan Dent and his
wife Lisbeth, Rudolf Rindlisbacher and Rolf Schneider.

Jonathan recovered well from his bike accident so far, he started
back at work this week.

Jonathan and myself had our notebooks with us. He showed how he
uses RedHat Linux and UQLX to develop his TCP/IP-stuff and how
he manages do use "server" (Linux) and "client" UQLX at once on one
CPU. He uses two USB-ports with two USB2COM-Converters as
the native COM-ports on his notebook do not work properly.

I showed 5 short MPEG movies and some 50+ pictures I've made
at the US QL-show and my trip to Niagara Falls in June 2002.

I found a place (angelfire) to host all my pictures and movies of 1995
US show, QL2000 and the 2002 US show. I hope to upload them

Viele Grüsse aus der Schweiz / Best regards...Urs König

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