I have Perfection Plus. I don't know how the product variants differ,  so
this may or may not be of help.
However, the documentation for it indicates that the only limit to the size
of a supplied dictionary (as distinct from one generated by DU) is that
there cannot be more than 32767 words beginning with any given letter, but
that DU as configured at delivery is limited to 9000 words for any given
letter. The manual suggests that this will alllow a dictionary of about
75000 words. If a larger limit is required, it can be achieved by increasing
the data space of DU. It requires
 (32K + max no of words begiining with a particular letter *(length of
longest word in wordlist +3)

Also there is a limit of 17 to the length of any word in the wordlist. I
don't use Perfection Plus, so I don't know if this works. Is anyone
interested in relieving me of any of the following DP products:
Perfection Plus (program disk + Megadictionary disk) , Lightning SE, Qmaths
All with original A4 Manuals
Please let me know


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 03, 2002 12:42 PM
Subject: [ql-users] Q-Spell and Perfection Spell Checker

Does anyone have a copy of this program on disk or otherwise, which they
could let me have please???  I have a customer who's own copy is corrupt.

Also, does anyone know anything about the Spell checker for Perfection SE -
I have a rather large English word list which has been sent to me (over
565,000 words) which I would like to import into the Perfection Spell
checker - unfortunately it cannot handle that many words!!

Rich Mellor
RWAP Software
7 Common Road, Kinsley, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 5JR
TEL: 01977 614299

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