Hi Jonathan,

Sorry to hear about your accident, but know how it goes.

On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, Dent Jonathan wrote:

> Dilwyn's message here broaches the question of _exe files.
> There is however a more controversial aspect: What about
> direct execution of exe files? It could be really useful
> but opens up the Pandora's box of virus propagation.
> What do you think?

My specification would involve putting the _exe in a wrapper with a
checksum. If the wrapper was executed it would just quit. Any other copy
of Qeymail would remove the wrapper.

The wrapper would contain other information too: the header, plus the
original path of the file. When a user receives a bunch of attachments,
they can choose to dump them in a specified location, recreate the
original location, etc.

I want to get the design spec really clear in writing, then put it out to
everyone, and open the project at sourceforge so everyone can participate.

I've been going slow with everything QL-related, due to heavy work
commitments and some events outside of work that mean I really have to
take it easy. I'm beating cancer and that's a priority. I'm just taking
really good care of myself right now.

So, I'm not disappearing on you guys! Qeyboard is finished. I just need
fifty orders now! ;P The scene's been around for 18 years; it can wait a
few more months. I freely admit to getting very disillusioned sometimes,
especially after the SMSQ 'debate', but I think with EtherIDE almost
funded (I've bought some of the parts Nasta needs - sponsor Nasta, buy a
part and donate it to him so he can fund GF!) we're looking at better
times ahead.

I still think we need a new desktop. Look what Aqua did for the Mac - I
think we need to really bring the window manager(s) up to date.


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