This kind of problem may result from broken windyOS.


Phoebus Dokos wrote:

> At 06:15 рм 3/10/2002, Tony wrote:
>> >Seems like demon was blacklisted by that particular ISP
>> Good god - they might as well blacklist the world.
>> If onetel are doing things like that to one of the largest ISPs in the
>> UK, then they might as well go away and bury their heads in the Sahara.
> Actually it might not even be their fault....
> Many ISPs have for example blacklisted AOL as a lot of spam originates 
> from there... If too many users start complaining.... you got to do 
> what you got to do!
>> I assumed that Demon was refusing to send.
> Maybe that too... but to be sure, look at the header of the email to 
> see the originator of the "reply" you got (If it's an IP no, just do a 
> reverse lookup). If the originator is within the demon network, then 
> its Demon that blacklisted onetel and if the originator is onetel, 
> then its the other way round... usually though its the recipient...
> Phoebus

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