Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:

On 24 Oct 2002, at 14:20, Norman Dunbar wrote:

PS. Well, it has been quite here over the last couple of days - is anybody
out there ?

I think the usual answer is :no, there isn't...


Wrong, I am. But there isn't much going on, is there?And I really don't care how people configurate their 'browser' or 'email composer'( too many messages, if you ask me). I'm not complaining about them, I just delete them.
What I'd like to see, from time to time on the list, is a progress report (progress?) about SMSQE. What has already been done, what will be added, updated, when can we expect a new version, will Sbasic still be part of it or will it become a separate module,...?
Speaking of Sbasic... Wouldn't it be nice to avoid 'word clashes' by following some kind of convention?
An example to illustrate this?
I've just discovered W. Lenerz' ARRAY_BIN. Nice extension, but unuseable. Why? It contains 'sort' and 'search' and these words are already present in other extensions that I use every day.( reset, search,sort,count,lower$,upper$,... are used in at least 3 toolkits/extensions ... and they aren't compatible).
Why not adopt the approach used in 'ProWeSs' and 'ProForma', where all the functions and procedures have meaingful names and all start with 'PW_' or 'PF_' ?
Of course, this isn't very important for most of you,I know, but my programming skills are limited to Sbasi, so I really need those Toolkits/Extensions.

And now, back to listening mode for a while, I suppose.

François Van Emelen

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