On 09/11/02 at 14:26 Phoebus Dokos wrote:

>hehe Nasta, you cannot deny however that in reality we're all still boys
>expensive toys :-) (And crazy hobbies... I bet most of our wives agree on

The key to it is not to have a wife ;-) A friend of mine used to say that
you have a counter argument if she has her own set of toys. Then he got
married and had all the proof it wasn't so :-)

>P.S. I will be sending you that thing pretty soon.. .Are the QubIDEs ready
>by any chance? (One stone, two birds with this mail)

Not yet - but I will make the effort.

Let me eek the most efficiency out of my one stone too:

The Aurora can only be used un a US TV with component input. The composite
output on the Aurora is somposite monoshrome, not color - as you can see
the PAL/NTSC modulator chip is not on it. It is however possible to get an
external modulator, but since Aurora is 50Hz and not 60Hz like US TVs, it's
anyone's guess as to how the TV will interpret this. A way around the
problem may be an external scan conversion box, VGA to TV. If you need one,
I have it and can send it to you. This should be able to convert Aurora
output set to VGA into something viewable on a US TV set.

Metadriver and associated concept answers I will have to leave for some
other time - busy week end. Would appreciate a phone call if you have the
time (hopefully shorter this time :-) ) as I can keep working while we are


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