It might make a nice short article for QL Today actually...a brief
explanation of what Tyche is, and what you need to do to get it
running in QemuLator plus the screen shots. QemuLator tends to be the
"forgotten" emulator which gets least mention, but version 2 is really
worth the money you pay to register the shareware. (For anyone who
hasn't heard of it Tyche is an unreleased 64K QL ROM (not completely
QL compatible, probably meant for a QL successor).
----- Original Message -----
From: Phoebus Dokos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Tyche ROM

Την 11/11/2002 2:24:38 ??, ο/η Phoebus Dokos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> έγραψε:

>Hi all,
>I was playing with my QXL's pc today and I manage to start the Tyche
>using Q-Lay... it crashes with the first basic command, but it's

Well scrap that. It does run fully if you set the memory below 1 Meg
remove the NFA rom. I am sending a screenshot to Dilwyn so he could
them if he wants :-)


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