So the next question is - does he have Virtual PC to run QPC under?


On Monday, November 18, 2002, at 09:52  PM, Phoebus Dokos wrote:

??? 18/11/2002 11:11:18 ??, ?/? James Hunkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ??????:


Have you run (or anyone else) QPC under Virtual PC on a Mac.  I am
interested in getting some performance comparisons and also to see if
anyone has had any issues with multiple key entries (such as in QD).

Dave doesn't have QPC -or QD- (I should know he just bought SMSQ/E for the QXL) but I
will send him the Demo version for him to try pair together with QSBB and other
benchmarks in a QXL.WIN file :-)

I want to know too :-)


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