In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

Hi all

Roy Brereton, Quanta secretary, has just told me that Colin Baskett has
passed away.  He had no details other than it was sudden as he suffered no
Colin took on the Quanta editorship as a temporary appointment and found
himself in that position for approximately five years.
He was dedicated to the work, and it isn't easy, and was at all times
cheerful and optimistic for the future of the QL.
His outlook was always positive and it was always a pleasure to work with
We, none of us, make that many friends that we can afford to lose one.
Colin will be sorely missed by all who knew him.
Sad news.

Colin was a regular attender at the London Quanta Group meetings for many years.

He will be missed.

I will pass on the news to other members.

Malcolm Cadman

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