----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Cable" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Quanta Workshop in Norwich

> I am afraid the North American group is suffering from the same problems
as the
> UK groups. We are lucky that Jochen and Marcel and Roy and in past years
> and Darren like to come over even without the chance of many sales and
> take it as an opportunity to come over for a holiday at the same time.
> Phoebus over here going to school is also a big plus because he has so
> energy for the QL. We have one person, Al Boehm, who does his best to
> and organize and delegate but being such a large country we are spread
> thin and some of the most active QLers can not come to the shows.

Thanks for the reply and to all the others who replied. Sorry to hear that
attendance is also a problem in North America, but the point I was trying to
make was that from the reports in QL Today it appears that North America
still has shows old style with talks, demonstrations and a good social
occasion. You can be sure that people would not come from Europe each year
if they did not enjoy the shows. Mind you, Al can be a pretty persuasive

We seem to have a specific problem in the UK that next year lots of people
seem interested in organising shows, and that's welcome, but it is too many
for those of us who have to travel long distances. Another question is what
we do at shows now that numbers are smaller. I don't know the answer to
this, which is one of the reasons I started the discussion. Maybe we have to
think of putting more emphasis on social events and less on the QL for at
least some of the shows (e.g. QUANTA AGM).  A QL2000 type event, on a
slightly less lavish scale, should be possible once a year, but then we have
to think how we give form to more local workshops. Malcolm Cadman made a
good point a few weeks ago when he said that organising a shows helps to
build up enthusiasm in a local group.

Geoff Wicks.

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