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Subject: [ql-users] QL 2004
 Eindhoven is a good venue but do we have organiser/s over there? Some comment would be appreciated, especially from more of our continental friends.
On another point it will be sad to lose you Geoff although I can understand your reasoning, but Hey! can't you delay until AFTER Oct 2004?
Hi Roy,
Thanks for the kind words. I think everyone can see from this whole discussion that my thinking about the future of the QL in England is quite different from that of most other active QL-ers. It is probably in everyone's interest that I depart from the scene, otherwise I would just get angrier and angrier.
I still be around for some months yet, although not so visible, as I have contracts with QUANTA and QL- Today to complete.
I will try to give more reasons for the decision as Wolfgang asks, but this will be a little bit painful. Tonight I have to give priority to a *woman I have just met on the internet.
It may surprise you to hear that you and John are currently two of my best QL heroes. A tutor once told me on a training course, "Your hallmark is constructive subversion". Sometimes you have to stir things up to get things moving.
I hope you are successful in Eindhoven, as I think it is the better of the two locations (and also cheaper). You may be having difficulty getting hold of people at the moment, because you are in the middle of the Netherlands holiday season. It closes down even more in the summer than England does. I know Sjef v.d. Molengraaf follows this list, and as he has not said anything I assume he is on holiday.
Assuming an attendance of about 100, I think you would have to consider outside caterers. The kitchen at St. Joris College is quite small and I doubt if Sin-QL-Air now has the resources to do it themselves if you want more than tea and coffee.
I wonder whether it would be possible to set up a small committee of say Dutch, Germans and Belgians to do some detailed support/organisation. If you choose Eindhoven, can I suggest you and John go to the 11 October 2003 Eindhoven show?
Best Wishes,
Geoff Wicks.
*I knew that would get you all excited. Actually it is a very distant relative who has found me on a family history site and we have to swap information.

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