I will provide a lot of details just to request a small information!
This is mainly for hardware people...

The provided Eprom with the Q40 are two 27C1024, making it for 256KB.
Looking at my latest SMSQ/E (which must be 3.01), the current size of
the file might be only a few KB short to reach that limit.
It is stated in the Q40 manual that upto 1MB of Rom can be fitted.

And now for the question:
 - Which Eprom to use for 1MB ? (I'm wondering about a set of 27C4096,
  but would like confirmation before trying that the hardway)
  (and maybe, there are some cheaper Eproms that would works too ?)

 - How would the 1MB Rom be mapped on the address space (is ROM1 simply extended,
   pushing the top limit, or is it more complexe ?)

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