Forwarded answer from Peter to my last mail, posted with his
agreement. I leave it at that.
Marcel wrote:

>But if I asked for the Qx0 schematics (the equivalent of my software
>in the hardware world), would you give them to me?

Yes of course, as soon as my turnover breaks even with my expenses, and I 
have actually worked for free, not for loss. Before that point I would 
probably hold them back, because commercial competition could 
(theoretically) cause me direct loss. When I write software I have no 
expenses, so this can not happen. I will, for example happily give QLwIP 
away free and open, when it has reached the necessary maturity.

> > BTW it would have been possible to place Q60 SMSQ/E under the GPL
> > without affecting the commercial status of QPC at all.
>Would only have worked for the very first version. As soon as I want
>to integrate one simple fix somebody else did to the GPL version I
>would be in trouble.

I don't think so. QPC is separated from SMSQ/E anyway. And the problem of 
GPLed templates can be overcome by accompanying the GPL with an appropriate 
definition of linking. So, if you liked it, QPC could even use all of a 
GPLed Q60 SMSQ/E (68060 emulation? ;-) and remain commercial.

> > You make money from QL work. I don't.
>As a matter of fact I have 4 digit EUR expenses for my QL meeting
>travels. My QPC earnings reduce that to, hm, pretty much the same 4
>digit value...

If it is so, then keeping things commercial makes no sense at all. BTW your 
enormous amount of QL travelling seems more like a hobby, than commercial 
costs :-)


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