In a message dated 19/03/2004 02:00:06 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hi Stephen,

>Have been lurking here for a while, reading the various threads, along
>with looking at different websites, faqs etc. As a beginner, the QL world
>seemed very complicated, with strangely named Trump Cards, Gold Cards, and
>hundred of programs, expansions and websites uncomfortably squeezing their
>names around the letters "Q" and "L". Anyway, things are a little more
>clear now and i'm keen to give the machine itself a try.

Ah that sounds great. I'm not often on this list, but since I'm here at the
moment, I'll use the opportunity to influence you right from the start :-)

>What are your opinions on beginning this venture, for someone on quite a
>tight budget but with enthusiasm for computer meddling and unusual
>hardware. Just how much use would a standard QL be (there seem to be quite
>a few on EBay at any one time)?

I had a quick look into the latest QUANTA and QL Today mags for you, but
saw no cheap standard QL at the moment. Sometimes standard QLs are given
away for free, especially at QL meetings.

>It seems to me that a floppy disk interface of some description is a
>necessity to connect the QL to the outside world (i.e. for downloading
>files from the net and transferring
>them across). But oh, what about the disk format? Didn't think about that.

I'd say you need at least a GoldCard - otherwise most of the QL software
that is developed nowadays won't be usable for you. The GoldCard already
includes a floppy disk interface.

>Is a Qubbide hard drive interface another must have?

Almost. The GoldCard allows to use floppies with 2.88 MB, so if you're
extremely patient, you could start without harddisk.

One thing you must be aware of, is that you can not use a normal monitor
for a standard QL. Either you need enough room for a second monitor (an
old-fashioned beast that supports the QL video timings) or you need a QL
mainboard replacement (Aurora).

>More expense but then
>what's the point in getting involved with the QL if i'm trying to use
>hardware unrepresentative of the majority of current users. But then
>things start to become quite expensive and I risk spending a lot (for me)
>of money on something which i'll get little use our of.

This is difficult to resolve because a full featured QL hardware might
contain even more components than you expect. It is not unusual that one
has speeder card, mainboard replacement, keyboard interface, harddisk
interface, improved serial interface, mouse interface, backplane. Plus,
because all that never fits into the QL case, mechanical aids to mount all
the stuff in a different case.

That was, by the way, one of the reasons why there's the Q40 ;-)) Which has
basically the same video hardware, memory/interrupt structure and processor
family as the QL, but most of the old peripherals are
modernized/replaced/integrated on one board, and there's a muuuch faster
CPU. I hesitate to recommend the Q40 for you, because it's usually not a
low budget solution. But in the rare case someone offers you a 2nd hand
Q40, it can't be wrong if you compare the price of the Q40 to the sum of
all the QL components/interfaces you'd want otherwise.

All the best
You can also have a look at my own website: for a list of second hand items for sale at low prices, including a Q40 !!  We do not have any Gold Cards for sale at the moment, but can supply new ED disk drives when you do find one.
I have also been promised a couple of Miracle Systems hard disk drives which plug into the QLs ROM port.  Unfotrunately, this does not seem compatible with the latest operating system SMSQ/e (despite both being originally written by Tony Tebby).  If you want to use a hard disk (which is preferable) and decide to go for a QuBIDE, then you need to bear in mind, that you will need to build your QL into a PC style case instead.  You can also consider one of Tony Firshman's Flash EPROMs (RomDisq - see : )
However, as Peter says, you need to compare the cost of acquiring a full second hand system with a ready built system, such as the Q40/Q60, or just make do with an emulator running on Windows/Linux/Mac operating systems.  The beauty of buying second hand is that you do not have to buy everything together - a standard QL with Trump Card and dual DD disk drives should suffice to get you going.  The Trump Card provides a total of 896K memory, disk access and the all important Toolkit II. 
However, in order to transfer disks to/from the PC, you will need a program called: DiscOver - can you still get this on a QL disk??
However, just what proportion of the QL users still use this type of system is unknown.
Rich Mellor
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