versions tested with
QlandkarteGT 1.7.1
QT 4.8.4
GDAL 1.10.0
Proj4 480

I've loaded a 8GB sized geotiff in QlandkartegT and want to export it
to jnx.
I select the area I want to export and start the export, but after ~75% 
the process exits:
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70.ERROR 1: TIFFAppendToStrip:Maximum
TIFF file size exceeded ERROR 1: TIFFAppendToStrip:Maximum TIFF file
size exceeded ERROR 1: WriteEncodedTile/Strip() failed.
ERROR 1: TIFFAppendToStrip:Maximum TIFF file size exceeded
ERROR 1: TIFFAppendToStrip:Maximum TIFF file size exceeded
ERROR 1: WriteEncodedTile/Strip() failed.
ERROR 1: TIFFAppendToStrip:Maximum TIFF file size exceeded
ERROR 1: TIFFAppendToStrip:Maximum TIFF file size exceeded
ERROR 1: WriteEncodedTile/Strip() failed.
ERROR 1: An error occured while writing a dirty block
ERROR 1: TIFFAppendToStrip:Maximum TIFF file size exceeded
ERROR 1: TIFFAppendToStrip:Maximum TIFF file size exceeded
ERROR 1: WriteEncodedTile/Strip() failed.
ERROR 1: qlgt_1.tif, band 2: An error occured while writing a dirty
block ERROR 1: qlgt_1.tif, band 3: An error occured while writing a
dirty block ERROR 1: TIFFAppendToStrip:Maximum TIFF file size exceeded
ERROR 1: TIFFAppendToStrip:Maximum TIFF file size exceeded
ERROR 1: WriteEncodedTile/Strip() failed.
ERROR 1: TIFFAppendToStrip:Maximum TIFF file size exceeded
ERROR 1: TIFFAppendToStrip:Maximum TIFF file size exceeded

Running the command by hand and adding BIGTIFF=yes it doesn't crash:
/usr/bin/gdal_translate -co BIGTIFF=yes -co tiled=yes -co
compress=DEFLATE -srcwin 0 0 37752 83348 source.tif

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