Now ppiamdn is at it again.  I am beginning to think that this is not
a sign of incompetence on ppiamdn's part, but a deliberate attempt at
annoying the list.  I have no idea why, and I couldn't care less...

Anyway, in an attempt at solving this in a civilized manner, I sent
the following message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (but I don't include
the attachments here).

If others on the list have already tried this to no avail, or if the
problem continues after this, I guess we should try to get the site

- Harald Hanche-Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

| Dear postmaster,
| Please find enclosed a small sampling of email messages from
|  These are messages sent by other users to a
| mailing list, and forwarded from ppiamdn back to the list as well as
| the message's originator.  I find this unacceptable.  I hope you
| agree, and will take steps to stop this from happening in the future.
| Sincerely,
| - Harald Hanche-Olsen
|   Dept of Mathematical Sciences
|   The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
|   N-7034 Trondheim, NORWAY
|   Email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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