
    Ok, let me make myself clear.
    what I want to do is:
    setup a qmail and set the Maildir format as the default mailbox ( casue it's 
safety over a NFS )
    so creat a .qmail under, let's say ~man/  ie: ~man/.qmail and
    in the ~man/.qmail  I write ./Maildir/  and then I maildirmake a Maildir under 
    so we got a ~man/Maildir  and under the ~man/Maildir there are ( new, cur, tmp ) 

    I intall the qmail-imap-4.5.beta-2.i386.rpm with all default configuration. Then I 
point the
    client netscape messanger to the imap server, and the ~man/Maildir was recognized 
as the 
    inbox on the client side, and I can read message in it.

    I want to add a new folder with a Maildir format from the client side,so I make it
    as fd1, but I only got one plain text file like file on the server side.and I 
can't move any message
    into the new folder fd1.

   My question is :
    Is it possbile to creat a Maildir format folder on the server side through the 
    or it's a limit that imapd can't creat a Maildir format new folder, but just can 
read it?
    and is it safe enough for us to use a imap plain text format folder under a NFS?

|>   1. it doesn't work when I use the ~/Mailbox format when
|>      I connect to the qmail-imap server using a netscape messanger client,
|>      it seems that the client read the ~/Maildir only as its inbox.
|I'm not sure about this. Try using ~/ or ~/INBOX.
|>  2. after I made a new folder1 from the client side, I found a
|> plain text file
|>     called folder1 was created under ~, not in a maildir
|> new,cur,tmp)
|>     and I can't move any file from the inbox folder to the folder1.
|folders look like plain text files under qmail. That's normal. 
|Folders must be created as peers to INBOX, not subfolders under INBOX. 
|The folders will indeed be under ~/.

|>  3. I used the qmail1.03_7_src_rpm instead the 
|> qmail1.03_src.tar.gz, is there any problem?


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