On Wed 1999-04-28 (14:20), Fred Lindberg wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone for fun taken a high-end machine and produced the type of
> statistics that www.lsoft.com is presenting for lsmtp
> (http://www.lsoft.com/lsmtp.html)? They are obviously geared towards
> overestimation, but it would be useful for comparison. I realize that
> qmail is currently limited to a 255 concurrency (without parallel
> installations) and that the lsmtp stats deal with outgoing traffic
> only.
> Has anyone done a direct comparison between lsmtp and qmail for mailing
> lists? lserv and ezmlm?

This would be useful. Are there any standard (or commonly used) benchmarks
used to measure MTA and mailing list performance? 
Dan: you quoted stats on your web page about qmail's performance. Are the
benchmarks you used available anywhere, so that they can be used to apply
similar tests to other MTAs?

  - Keith

> -Sincerely, Fred

Keith Burdis - MSc (Com Sci) - Rhodes University, South Africa  
WWW     : http://www.rucus.ru.ac.za/~keith/
IRC     : Panthras                                          JAPH

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